Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Check Out KBA's YouTube Channel!


1 comment:

  1. Dear Jarad, Noah, Brandon, Mia and Illay,

    Thank you for your comments all the way from Kellman Brown Academy. They really helped us learn more about the Jewish faith.

    To Illay, you asked if we believe in G-d.
    Our response – The Christians in our school believe in God and Jesus. They believe in the teaching of the New and Old Testament.

    To Brandon, you asked what kind of food we eat.
    Our response – Most of the children do not have any restrictions on what they eat. Some Christians do not eat fish on Fridays. Some of the children in our school are Muslims and they do not eat pork. We also grow lots of our own food in school too!

    To Mia, you wanted to know about the religions in our school.
    Our response – Our school is Church of England School (Christians) but some children are also Catholic (Christians), Muslim or choose not to follow religion.

    Thank you again for your comments,
    From Class 5 and Mr Waller.
