Thursday, February 14, 2013

Welcoming the Month of Adar and the Holiday of Purim

 A Fourth Grade teacher and some students showing off there very, very crazy hats!
In honor of the month of Adar. Tune in for more of Purim next week! 
Purim is one of the happiest holidays on the Jewish calender. It takes place in the Hebrew month of Adar which normally falls in March, but this year it fell in Febuary. We celebrate Purim because long ago... in Shushan, the capitol of Persia there was a King Achashverosh. (Ach-shave-rosh)The King wanted his wife Vashti to come to his party, but she said no. The King kicked Vashti out of his kingdom. Then the king wanted a new queen. Meanwhile, an orphan named Esther was living with her uncle and cousin, Mordechai. Esther, who was Jewish, as well went to the king. Before she went Mordechai told her to keep it a secret that she was Jewish. Esther went to the palace and was chosen as the king's new wife. Meanwhile a evil man named Haman did not like the Jews because they only bowed down to G-d and would not bow down to him. He convinced the King to kill the Jews. Mordechi heard this and told Esther to save the Jews. Esther fasted for three days and requested a party with the KIng and Haman. She told the King that she was Jewish and that Haman wanted to kill her. In the end Haman was hanged on the gallows meant for Mordechi and all of the Jews were happy.
Check out the latest videos on our YouTube channel! We just posted an awesome new video about dance at our school.